Thursday, October 5, 2017

Curriculum vitae

Invitation for collaboration!

Judging by my curriculum vitae, the foreign companies that are intrested for collaboration with me, in and out of Albania, can send me an email with further details of this possible collaboration in Geoligical and mineral field; in Thank you for your understanding!
posted by iraklipremti at 2:32 am no comments: 
Last Name: PREMTI
Name: Irakli
Birthday: 01.08.1944
Birthplace: Saranda
Profession: Geology Engineer
Title: Professor
Education: University
I completed my studies at the Faculty of Geology-Mining in the University of Tirana in 1967.
From August 1967 to 1976 – I worked at the Geological Department of Bulqiza. At the very beginning, I worked as a geology engineer in the Bulqiza oil well at Lura area, Korab, Peshkopia. From 1973-1976, I was Chief Geologist in the Bulqiza Geology Department.
1976- Dec.1977 - I worked as a chrome specialist at the Geology Directorate of the ex-Ministry of Industry and Mining.
1978-Nov. 1980 – I worked as chief of the Geology Service Department at the Ministry of Defense. During this period, I carried out two important projects, respectively on proving drinking water to the Sazan Isle and that of bringing forward the Palermo object in Himara.
Nov. 1980- Jun. 1983 – I was specialized in the field of petrology of magma rock especially for chrome and copper in “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy.
On June 1994, I began to work at the Institute of Studies of Geological Projects in Tirana, Regional Geology Sector close to the Cabinet of Ofiolitic Magmatism.
From 1984 to 2003, I was involved in the following activities:
 1988-1989 – I was sent to the Oil and Gas Institute in Fier where I studied about the drilling in Dumre Region.
 Sept. 1989-Dec. 1989 – In the framework of a fellowship, awarded by the International Agency of Atomic Energy in Vienna, I worked at “La Sapienza” University in Rome to gain knowledge about the methods of chemical analyses of Albania’s magma rock with X-ray apparatuses such as Difrtometry, X-Fluorescence, Electronic Microscopy, atomic absorber etc. I was tested and received a diploma.
 Jul.1993-Oct.1993, in the framework of the cooperation in the field of Metalogeny with Ferrara University of Italy, the EU awarded me a fellowship in the framework of PHARE Project on knowledge expansion, genetic formation of magmatic rocks and minerals related to it. I would like to stress out that my studies focused on the petro-geological interpretations, concretely on the rocks taken from Albania and analyzed in Ferrara.
 In 1984, I received the medal “Doctor of Land Sciences” which was converted in Albania with the title “Candidate of Sciences”. On Feb. 6, 1999, I was appointed Director of General Mining Directorate at the Ministry of Public Economy and Privatization.
 1984-1988 – I was a visiting professor at the Geology-Mining Faculty at the Polytechnic University of Tirana, as well as a visiting member of Mineralogy-Petrography Department.
 1989-May.1992 - I was the head of the Ofiolitic Magmatism Department in the University of Geological Studies.
 1996-to present – I have been a member of the Association of Geological Hazards, environmental pollution, and urbanization of the metropolises organized by the regions of Bologna (Italy), Munich (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain).
 1998-2002 – I have been a member of the scientific Council of Geology-Mining Faculty in Tirana.
 In 1998, I was a coordinator for the Albanian side in the Steering Committee of the Geological Association Balkan Carpato.
 Since 1999, I have been deputy-Editor of the Albanian Scientific Magazine “Bulletin of Geological Sciences.”
 1995-1998 – I was supervisor of the Italian Association “AQUATER” in Albania, where I directed the geological works that were carriedout on kaolina and white lime rocks.
 In the framework of the technical-scientific and economiccooperation with Italy for the three-year period (1997-1999), I was in the position of the coordinator for the Albanian side in the field of metalogy of chrome, copper and decorative stones.
 In the framework of the Eco-Uverture projects, I am a member of a similar future project that can be accomplished in the town of Librazhd on the decorative stones.
 I have been a member in some Scientific Councils in the field of geology. I am a member of the Association of Scholars of Ofiolitic Magmatism of Mediterranean Zone. For eight years, I have lectured in the University in the capacity of the deputy-General Director.
 1999-2003 – I have been a member of the Polytechnic University Senate in Tirana.
 In 1998, I was selected Chairman of the Albanian Geologists Association and for the year 2000, I was elected the current Chairman of the Association of Geo-Scientists and Engineers.
 2001-2003, I have been a member of Ad-hoc Commission on Science in the Ministry of Education and Sciences.

On 1998-1999 – I was Vice director of Geological Servis of Albania.
On 1999-2003 – I was General Director in the department of Mine in the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Albania.
During my 34-year activity, I have prepared around 50 geological reports, projects, studies, scientific articles published in the Albanian and foreign magazines and prepared by me or in cooperation with Albanian and foreign scholars. Ten of these articles were co-authored with foreign scholars.
I have referred (or presented posters) in 15 congresses and international symposiums held in the country and abroad.
Since April 2003, I have been employed as Director of Geology and Topography Department in the Mining and Processing Technology Institute.
I know Italian and Russian very well while my knowledge on English language are fair.
Information about mining and geological-environmental and hydro-geological activities
The most significant projects, studying persons
Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti
The foreign companies can contact with Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti
Along with his accompanying CV, recently Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti has presented and has in disposal his personal or co-authors’ studies as following:
In hydrogeology field:
A) Draft of hydro-geological map construction of the scale 1 to 10.000 for ionic area (Vlore-Himare-Sarande) with relevant diagrams. Hydro-geological regionalization of areas, resources and basins.
1. Scheme of continuous drinking water supply in the region of Tunel of Sasajt – Piqeras – Lukove – Shen Vasil- Krorez – Kakome – Qefal – Heremec – Sarande – Syri Kalter – Navarrice – Butrint – Ksamil – Corfu (Greece).
The Draft proposal was presented to Municipality of Sarande.
2. Research with chemical –bacteriological tests of resources with corresponding debits of the area Uje I Ftohte - Dukat – Llogora – Dhermi – Himare – Palermo – Borsh.
3. Research with due recommendations about drinking water supply of the Bay of Kakome. Project made by Albanian “Riviera” company and a French – Spanish company.
4. Draft with co-authors about hydro-geological and hydrologic research of the area of Prroi Molles Lure. Installment power of three water power stations.
5. Hydro-geological and geological research of the area of Stravaj. Librazhd.
B. In the mountainous tourism field.
1) Geomorphological research of the area and hydro-geological research of mountainous lakes of Lure.
Illustration with photos of the area.
2) In the area of Saranda, within the yellow line of the city, in the ownership of Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti are 22.000 meters square, negotiable to be sold.
2. Draft for infrastructure and hotels in this beautiful tourist area.
C) In the field of solid industrial minerals.
1) Research data detailed for:
• Chrome mineral in the area of Bulqize –Martanesh – Selisht. The main resources. Recommendation about perspective.
• Research – explorative perspective for Chrome mineral in the area of Kalimash-Vllahen – Perollaj – Tropoje – Deve (Kosovo).
• Detailed project with main fields of research in the area of nickel-silicate and ferro-nickel laterits on goal of construction of a metallurgic combine in perspective for the area of Kukes and Has.
The Author Prof. Premti has in disposal a detailed project material regarding the areas in project of geological reserves growth.
• From preliminary calculations data, actually it is calculated to exist a certain and perspective geologic reserve of about 650-700 million ton nickel silicates and FE-NI.
• If, we add here even the reserves of the region of Bitinske, the objects in the resource of Çllagovsk, Skenderaj and the lateritic objects of Lure, actually in Albania – Kosovo are calculated to be about 1.1 milliard ton NI-Silicates, what makes the production of NI-silicate very profitable.
• So, the area consists in a competitive metallogenic one where there must be investments by big mineral-metallurgic companies.
• A cohesion of areas with special objects would seriously damage the economy in Albania-Kosovo for lateritic minerals of Nickel – silicate and of ferro-nickel in whole.
• Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti has in disposal detailed data from his surveys made in Albania with co-authors and from catalogue of geological researches filed during a 40 years work, and especially of the ophiolits subject of Albania about:
1) the main minerals linked with copper sulphide and poli-metals resources in Albania. Their perspective and metallogeny especially of sulphides. (Cu-Zn-Au, Ag etc.)
2) Metallogenic characteristics and perspective fields of research and localization of useful minerals linked with cobbles like Ga, Ge, etc. and with polimetalls of these minerals such as those of polimetal resource of Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Torium under the model of resource of Kipushi, Kongo-Africa where Prof. Irakli Premti has participated in phisibility phase.
• General data about main resources of clay in Albania, like construction materials, bricks, tiling.
• Some of main resources of magnesium, kaolins, for shamot production
• General data for some resources of magnesites, kaolins and clays of Kosovo.
• Researches with calculation of reserves for presence of pure limestones with content of CaO = 53.5-54%, FeO <>
• Detailed researches for chemical characteristics of limestones in Albania for the areas of Gjirokaster, Vlore, Sarande, Elbasan, Korçe, Librazhd, Lezhe, Fushe-kruje, Shkoder, Tropoje, Kukes, Diber for cement production.
• Main Resources situated in Albania as laterics. Their chemical – mineral characteristics. Reserves in the lowland of the areas of Shkoder – Tirane – Margjinet, Durres, Elbasan, Diber, Kukes, Tropoje, Vlore, Berat, Sarande, Korce, Permet.
• Mineral – Chemical characteristics of basalts situated in the area of Mirdite – Lezhe. Research reserves with economic calculations for construction of tracks and railroads of high velocity, a research made in co-authorship by Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti.
• A survey about presence of gypsum and of travertines in Albania. Their sorts and use in construction. The petrographic characteristics and the physical- technical ones.
• About the presence of marble calcareous objects in Albania. Characteristics and chances of their efficient economicexploitation.
• Perspective of hydrocarburs research (oil and gas) which are linked with evaporates (gypsum) of the area of Dumre.
• Basing on generalization made by Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti in co-authorship since 1988-1989 in the article of geological magazine, summary of researches. See the edition in which it is given the project of drilling for oil-gas in this area.
• The drilling started and it resulted like the author Irakli Premti had predicted, the stratography till in the depth of 6107m resulted to be the same of the research. But drilling had problems and so it did not enter in the project, where for 350-400m it would find productive limestones of Cred Eccenit (Pg2 – Cr1 - Cr2).
Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti has in disposal all the well geological material where was performed the drilling, even elaborated in axonometry (three dimensional) of the area of Dumre, in which it is attested that this well in breakdown must be processed in project. For this, the author insists asks for a company to make investments. He is ready to cooperate, because he had a positive result referring to the structural interpreting model for the analogue resource in Porto Alegro Brasil. He is convinced for a positive result in the area of Dumre with a surface of evaporite of 250km2. So, for Albania and for the undertaking company will eventually be an analogue structure with that of oil – gas areas of Middle East.
In conclusion, Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti is ready to cooperate with any native or foreign companies or individuals in the fields they are interested to, he welcomes such a thing.
Prof. Dr. Irakli Premti
Rr. “M. Lleshi” P.3, Ap. 5, Shk.1
Tirana Albania
home tel: 00355 4 371576
Mobile: 00355 693361519

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